
Parthian Shot at Substack

It may surprise you to know, but once upon a time this blog was a place all kinds of people would come to read about Aleister Crowley and Thelema. And if you do not know who that is or what that is, that is OK. I was never exactly a follower or a believer, which means I had and have the same relationship to Crowley and Thelema that I do to the place I live. Still, I simmered alchemically in the teachings for many years and researched the ideas right down to their bones, smashed the bones, burned the bones, and threw the ashes into the Nile long ago. I came to Crowley because I had started studying Tarot. That is still the context that centers my interest. Basically, I was curious about what the Thoth cards meant. So, I went to find out. It took a little while. And I am always still learning. I now write at Parthian Shot , at Substack. So, if you are interested in what I have to say, which from time to time still touches upon Crowley and his works, then you might consider subscribing. F